The following information has been put together to assist NJ EMT Basics during the recertification process. Most importantly, your NJ transcript will NOT show any courses completed online, from any website. OEMS is only able to update transcripts manually and do not have the time or staff to complete this! With the self-reporting system all you need to do is complete the requirements and attest to this via the NJ website to request to recertify. See below for more information.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How is NJ OEMS notified when I complete courses?

Q: Are all courses pre-approved by NJ OEMS?

Q: How long do I have to finish my required credits?

Q: How do I reprint my certificates?



How are my credits reported to NJ OEMS?

All courses taken in the NJ approved section by NJ EMTs are submitted electronically to NJ OEMS on a monthly basis, then weekly during.recertification months.  If you do not see your records, please verify your EMT number is correct in your profile and notify us if there was an error so we can manually run a report to send the completions. back to top>>


What courses can I take? Are all MedicEd classes pre-approved?

There is a specific section for courses which have been pre-approved for NJ EMT Basics. Look for the box on top of the Online Courses page. ONLY courses completed in this section will be accepted by NJ OEMS for elective credit hours. These courses are .5, 1 and 2 credit hours.  The exams associated to the one credit course are available 40 minutes after the lecture is started and remain available for one week.  The two credit hour course exam is available 90 minutes after the start of the lecture.back to top>>

How do I reprint my certificates?

Certificates are ALWAYS available, even after you have renewed your certification. To access, simply log into your account and then click "My Profile". On this page, look for the link in the grey bar for CEU Manager. This page will list all courses you have completed during your current recertification, along with a link to each certificate. If you need to access certificates earned during a prior period, look for the red link to the right to "view prior certificates". Archived certificates are available on that page! back to top>>